Thank goodness for summer! Prepare your home for this fabulous season so when things heat up you can keep your home cool. Get ready, get set, go with some simple updates you can do right now, so you can enjoy everything summer fun in the sun.
Spring Into Summer Cleaning
Take spring cleaning to the next level. Clean your windows on the inside and out so when the sun shines in, your windows will sparkle. Spruce up all the entrances to your home, so guests feel happy and welcome. Enhance your front door with a fresh coat of paint and a decorative wreath. Hose off the patio or deck.
Lighten Up Inside
Refresh your home with everything lighter and brighter. Replace dark heavy curtains with lighter sheers and colorful window treatments. Hideaway heavy blankets and update with lighter decorative throws and summer-inspired accent pillows. Take a look at the floor and if the area rug is dark and dingy, replace it too! Display fragrant, fresh-cut flowers throughout your home.
Get Outdoor Ready
Right now is the right time to get your patio or deck summer ready! Clean outdoor furniture sets with soapy water, replace faded accent pillows and cushions with new ones, and display potted plants for a pop of cheerful color. Enhance your outdoor space with a new fire pit or outdoor heater, so everyone can gather together and enjoy summer fun.
Open the Windows
Before it gets too hot outside, open your windows and let the fresh air in. The perfect time to do this is when you are updating your window treatments. This is one easy, breezy way to say, “so long” to winter and hello to a new sensational season.
Your friends at Regency Furniture want you to save with style and are ready to help you get summer-ready.