DIY & Tips

Must-Have Spring Cleaning Necessities

Spring is the perfect time to clean up your home. Following the winter thaw, it feels great to throw open the windows and let the sunshine back into the house. It feels even better when you can do so with a clean house. To help prep, here are a few spring-clean necessities you need to have on hand before spring hits. 

New Mop

How long have you been using the same dirty mop fabric in your home? Whether you use a more traditional fabric mom or a sponge mop, now is the time to replace it. No need to spread dirt and grime around the house that has been festering. Swap out for a new mop head. It doesn’t cost much, and it goes a long way in making your home look (and smell) great.

New Vacuum Filter

Don’t you just love the look of fresh vacuum lines on the carpet? It’s satisfying to know the carpet is clean and not matted down. However, the smell of a vacuum isn’t as great. It leaves a dusty aroma lingering in the air. So avoid that lingering smell and replace your old vacuum filter. 

New Duster

How long have you held onto that same duster? It’s probably turned from its original blue or white to an off gray color by now. Well now is the time to replace your duster. You’ll collect more of the dust and make it easier to wipe down the surface areas with a cleaning fabric. Plus, you can pick up replacement dusters for only a few bucks. 

It’s Never Too Early To Prep For Spring

If you prepare now you’ll have everything you need for spring cleaning. It also gives you some time to keep an eye out for sales on cleaning supplies over the next few weeks and months. And if you’re looking for sales, now is the perfect time to check out springtime sales on new furniture for your home at Regency Furniture

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